Dockyard, Portsmouth
Current Use
Boat building and restoration, exhibition and restaurant
Public Access
Free public access - Just ask for your free Historic Quarter Pass at the Gate
Construction Date
Within Conservation Area 22
Restoration and conversion supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Regional Growth Fund, the Garfield Weston Foundation, the Fidelity UK Foundation, the Headley Trust, the Gosling Foundation, the Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, the Charles Hayward Foundation, and the Patrick Holmes Foundation. Pontoon network supported by the Chancellor using LIBOR funds
A Product of Interwar Innovation
Boathouse 4 was constructed in the rapid rearmament efforts leading up to the Second World War, and was designed to support the construction and maintenance of small naval vessels. The boathouse was originally intended to extend as far as Victory Gate to the South, but was only partially constructed when war broke out. To speed the building’s completion, a corrugated iron wall was swiftly erected. Though intended to be temporary, this feature remains in place to this day.
During the Second World War, Boathouse 4 played an important role in supporting military efforts. The Boathouse hosted the secret construction of the X4 midget submarine, designed to place mines beneath German battleships. On 30 September 1942 George VI visited the Dockyard to inspect the three-man and other small submarines under construction.
Heritage Preserved
Following its renovation in 2015, with generous support from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Regional Growth Fund, Boathouse 4 has been repurposed as a Heritage Skills and Boatbuilding Centre. Today, it serves as a venue where enthusiasts can engage with maritime heritage preservation and craftsmanship.
Exploring Maritime History
Visitors to Boathouse 4 can immerse themselves in the rich history of naval engineering and craftsmanship. From its architectural design to its bustling workshops, BH4 offers a reminder of Naval ingenuity and resilience, and a glimpse into living maritime heritage. Visitors to the free-entry SHE_SEES exhibition can explore the extensive history of trailblazing female voices in the maritime industry.
Visitors to the Boathouse can also enjoy the stunning Boathouse 4 restaurant, offering seasonal menus, and views of our vessels afloat on their pontoons and out across Portsmouth Harbour.

Internal Gantry Cranes, Launching Canal and Locks
Boathouse 4 features its own internal launching canal, serviced by gantry cranes, and two locks. These locks regulate water flow through the tunnel under the building and into the 17th century Mast Pond on the other side.

Pontoon Network
Boathouse 4 is our only building with direct access to the harbour. In 2017, with support from the Chancellor’s LIBOR Fund, we were able to construct a pontoon network connected to the waterfront deck of Boathouse 4, allowing sheltered and accessible mooring of our collection afloat in Portsmouth Harbour.